Dissolved Oxygen

  • How does atmospheric pressure affect my DO readings

    Oxygen saturation of water is different at different pressures. Correction charts are provided in most instruction manuals. Many instruments automatically compensate for barometric pressure. The barometric pressure is either measured by the instrument or entered by the user.
  • How does temperature affect my DO readings?

    Temperature affects DO readings in two ways. First, it changes the permeability of the membrane. As the temperature increases so does the permeability of the membrane. As the temperature decreases the oxygen permeability through the membrane decreases. Secondly, temperature affects the amount of ...
  • How do I calibrate my DO Meter?

    Use the Open Air calibration procedure. 1. Remove the membrane Take the membrane off the end of the probe and dry the diode off. 2. Zero out the display Connect the probe to the base unit and turn the unit on. Your display should read 0.0. If it does not, go to the position “0” screw on the...
  • How often should I replace my membranes?

    Recommended service time is 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the application and how often you are using the instrument.
  • What is DO?

    Dissolved oxygen is one of many measures of water quality, but an important one for aquatic life. Like land animals, fish and shellfish require oxygen to survive. When oxygen levels fall below 5 mg/l, fish are stressed. At oxygen levels of 1 to 2 mg/l, fish die. The amount of oxygen that can diss...